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Wisec Projects

Mod Anti Tamper for Apache 2

AntiTamper is an Apache 2.x module that could be used to prevent some sort of url and cookie tampering.
Specifically, AT could stop a lot of those malicious bots that take advantage from search engines.
Moreover, attack techniques like Http Response Splitting and session hijacking/fixation will be mitigated.
For a quick and dirty start go to examples/README.
Is important to notice that mod_anti_tamper is not an alternative to mod_security, which is more exaustive and useful for all web situations.
AT could be a complement to mod_security.

Go to Mod Anti Tamper Page.

PassBroker for Php

If you have ever asked yourself:
"How could I hide username and passwords in order to prevent unauthorized users from steal them?"
Then you are the right guy in the right place, and i suggest you to install PassBroker on your own website.

PassBroker is a PHP extension, written in c which dispatch informations you don't want to directly embed inside a PHP script. PassBroker will give the script only the secrets it needs according to a user defined ruleset.

Go to PassBroker Page.


When there is the need to authenticate users from a web page, passwords
are often sent on a insecure channel, this could lead to have our own
passwords sniffed (read CMS & Co.).
This is a way to avoid the passage of passwords from a user login html form
on an insecure channel.
An easy way to improve your users' security for ready-to-use (or not) CMSs.

Go to HMAuth Page.

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